Saturday, April 24, 2010

Toward the end of February, I was asked to show some of my work in the Hive gallery at the Fayetteville Underground Studio/Galleries building. Since I really had nothing to show at that time, I had to hit it hard to have enough finished pieces by April.
I was scared and anxious, sleeping very little, worrying too much, and neglecting to eat, shower or clean my apartment. Sounds dramatic. One would think I should have more than 12 pieces to show for it (one of them is not pictured in this post), but if you knew how hard it is for me to call something finished and move on to the next thing, then you would understand why this was a personally significant accomplishment.
Opening night finally came and half of the paintings sold during that three hour event. Fayetteville Underground was also celebrating their one year anniversary, so it was extra special fun.
I titled the show, It Eels What it Eels.
It will be on display until the end of April.

All of the work was painted on convex wood panels. In this photo, you can how they bulge out from the wall.